Saturday, August 15, 2009

water is the new oil?

California policy wonk/blogger Brian Leubitz is following the California water debate, along with 423 other state issues, over at Calitics..... this post includes a picture of the sinking San Joachim Valley -- as we pump water out of it, the land goes down and down, while this entry includes a radio interview with an AP reporter on California water policy

The Delta Debate

okay then....I guess if I want to be a blogger I'll need to post something....

one of the water issues that I want to follow is over what to do about the California Delta, which provides much of my own water here in San Diego. The link takes you to an excellent primer on the topic by reporter Mike Taugher. Three tidbits:

The delta is the largest estuary in on the western coasts of North and South America

It seems like a cool place to visit.

It is "broken, both as a water delivery system and as an ecosystem."